26 Weeks to Change – Day 8: Sorting Out This Yoga Thing

Yoga 2

This is so me!!! (In about 6 months from now;)

Today I woke up to a beautiful sunrise.

I live in the northeast and the sky was clear blue with a few fluffy white clouds dotted here and there.

My first thought was “what a perfect day to do some yoga!”

With this very enthusiastic thought in mind, I changed into comfy workout clothes and headed to my downstairs area in my apartment (I have a ridiculous amount of space down there) to roll out my mat and enjoy my first yoga session.

Since I had no desire to sort through my collection of yoga dvd’s, I decided to YouTubeit and find something for beginners.

Here’s the video I tried:

I admit it was very enjoyable.  The instructor was non-intimidating and I felt comfortable following her direction.

The sequence wasn’t too slow or too fast.

For those more experienced with yoga, you may think she talked a bit too much, however for a complete newbie, all the explanation was necessary.

Signing off until tomorrow:)

P.S. I hope anyone else curious about yoga tries this out.  If you do, let me know what you think!


photo credit: dollen via photopin cc

Starting ALL OVER Again!!!!

This is how I feel after 4 months of not really working out...ugh!!!

This is how I feel after 4 months of not really working out…ugh!!!

Yes, I completely failed my “62 Days to Change Challenge” due to some major traumatic (or rather dramatic 😉 events that have been going on in my life over the past four months.

Do I feel terrible for not really working out for the last 4 months?


Do I feel a bit like a loser for not being in shape for my 30th b-day in July?


Am I more than a little apprehensive about trying to do this again?


Am I going to quit and not try again?


Ok, now that I got that off my chest, it’s time to make a new declaration, come up with a new plan, and set new goals!

Since one thing I know that works is to work backwards from your goal, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

Easy to remember dates work best for me when it comes to setting goals, so…

Valentine's Day

V-Day 2015 is my new goal…who’s with me?!

I’ve decided that my NEW Journey to Change goal will be Valentine’s Day 2015:)

I think that’s an appropriate date to celebrate what I’m really striving for…more self-love and a healthier happier life.

Yes weight-loss is part of it, but it’s so much more than that.  Now that I’m in a new decade of life, I look back at the past decade (my twenties) and have a lot of regrets, unresolved anger, sadness and a bunch of other junk that I wish to get over.

That’s why I want to make this NEW Journey to Change about more than just fitness, I want to make it about a lifestyle change.

As before I plan to blog daily about my journey and this time intend to successfully complete it!

I think I’ll call this new journey “26 Weeks to Change“–I have a thing for titles people;)

Chat with you later,



photo credit: amenclinics_photos via photopin cc

photo credit: Daniel E Lee via photopin cc

62 Days to Change: Day 2 – Late Date

Late workout

Yea, my goal is to look like her when I finish this journey:)

Today I woke up late because I went to bed late.

Then my morning was filled with trying to catch up on things I do in my daily routine.

Working out got pushed to the bottom of my list, but it still happened!

I didn’t workout until about 4:30 p.m., so I was full of energy in the evening and got a lot of things done.

It seems like I’m going to have to fight (myself) tooth & nail to go to bed on time so I can wake up at 3 a.m.

Though that may not happen today or tomorrow, I’m going to keep trying until I succeed.

Cheers until tomorrow!

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photo credit: requiem.mx via photopin cc